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4 minutes ago, Kamen Rider said:

… I give them one day… ONE DAY… and what do I get? 


So, I am currently on paid leave for Grand Jury Duty. Yesterday, I had to go in to work since the courts were closed and per contract, when you’re not going in to court, you have to come into work.

they gave me a job, I do it, they ask if I want to do one extra trip…

Pull into a station, I see a bunch of kids standing around at the far end of the platform…

We start to leave and two of them leap onto the side of my train.

they ran when I pulled the brake.


this grand jury gig is four weeks. I give them 1 day and this is what I come back to.

Sadly, this is how kids are in many cases. 

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15 minutes ago, Kamen Rider said:

… I give them one day… ONE DAY… and what do I get? 


So, I am currently on paid leave for Grand Jury Duty. Yesterday, I had to go in to work since the courts were closed and per contract, when you’re not going in to court, you have to come into work.

they gave me a job, I do it, they ask if I want to do one extra trip…

Pull into a station, I see a bunch of kids standing around at the far end of the platform…

We start to leave and two of them leap onto the side of my train.

they ran when I pulled the brake.


this grand jury gig is four weeks. I give them 1 day and this is what I come back to.

Should’ve stopped the train where there is no platform, maybe those kids will be afraid to run onto the tracks

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23 minutes ago, Kamen Rider said:

… I give them one day… ONE DAY… and what do I get? 


So, I am currently on paid leave for Grand Jury Duty. Yesterday, I had to go in to work since the courts were closed and per contract, when you’re not going in to court, you have to come into work.

they gave me a job, I do it, they ask if I want to do one extra trip…

Pull into a station, I see a bunch of kids standing around at the far end of the platform…

We start to leave and two of them leap onto the side of my train.

they ran when I pulled the brake.


this grand jury gig is four weeks. I give them 1 day and this is what I come back to.

I’m listening to “Bad Luck “ by Harold Melvin and the Bluenotes and then I read your post. Priceless. Be safe out there. 

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4 hours ago, Kamen Rider said:

… I give them one day… ONE DAY… and what do I get? 


So, I am currently on paid leave for Grand Jury Duty. Yesterday, I had to go in to work since the courts were closed and per contract, when you’re not going in to court, you have to come into work.

they gave me a job, I do it, they ask if I want to do one extra trip…

Pull into a station, I see a bunch of kids standing around at the far end of the platform…

We start to leave and two of them leap onto the side of my train.

they ran when I pulled the brake.


this grand jury gig is four weeks. I give them 1 day and this is what I come back to.

ROOKIE! (You kept ya head out too long)

Know that RCC hates when a C/R pulls the cord when there’s imbeciles surfing the side of the train… any vet knows those losers jump off before the train picks up speed out the station. 😂😂

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13 hours ago, darkstar8983 said:

Okay you took it too far. At least what I propose is just an inconvenience. You’re literally proposing public executions.

I'm pretty sure @CenSin was joking with that post. You on the other hand were clearly not joking. Tackling someone for farebeating is one thing (even that is too much), but tasing & shooting at people just for that is even worse.

With all the complaints (especially in recent years) of police brutality, do you really think these ideas you're proposing are going to go over well with people? Especially in an overwhelmingly liberal extremist climate.

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This weekend for the Parade of Trains wouldn't brighton everyones day because of lack of sunlight. Forecast calls for thunderstorms although, it may be subject to change but to advise to bring an umbrella. 

* The R1-9, and Gate Cars are present to the upcoming festivities these two days. 

Edited by Calvin
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MTA fails on promise to boost R train service, lawmaker says

The R train still stands for "rarely," despite the MTA's pledge to increase midday service on the historically unreliable subway line.

State Sen. Andrew Gounardes of Brooklyn — who stood alongside MTA leaders last month when they announced R trains would arrive at stations every eight minutes between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. starting on Aug. 28 — is now calling the plan a “bungled” effort.

“After months of hard work in Albany to fight for a rescue plan for the MTA and service improvements for lines including the R and N, I’m shocked and frustrated that the MTA would misrepresent these service upgrades to the riding public,” Gounardes wrote in a statement on Thursday. “People need to trust that subways will be reliable and dependable, especially as the MTA is asking for more tax dollars and fare increases to pay for service.”

In response to Gounardes’ gripe, MTA officials explained that track work on the F line scheduled has forced crews to move work trains onto R line tracks, forcing the MTA to push back the start of the extra midday service from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. until early next year.

"We will reduce wait times even further in the coming months after completion of necessary track work," NYC Transit President Richard Davey said in a statement. "We’re grateful to elected officials for their continuing support.”

But riders were still left waiting 14 minutes for R trains at the Union St. station in Brooklyn early Thursday afternoon, nearly twice as long as the MTA promised.

Commuters at the station said they’ve come to expect long waits for the R train.

“I'm just used to it at this point, honestly,” said Iris Gartner, who grew up in Park Slope. “But it would be nice if it came more frequently. Wouldn't have to be the ‘rarely’ train anymore,” she said, referring to the R train’s nickname.

Others standing on the sweltering platform summed up the service more succinctly.

“It sucks,” said Brooklyn commuter Margarete Bernstein.

Bernstein said she has a fairly flexible job making mannequins near 14th Street in Manhattan, but she adjusts her commute to compensate for the unpredictable train schedule.

“It makes it complicated when I'm late. I try to cushion the time,” she said. “I just leave earlier.”

State lawmakers earlier this year agreed to increase funding to the MTA through a one-time cash boost and other recurring taxes. For its part, the MTA agreed to spend $35 million on increased service across several lines.

It’s not the first time this year the MTA has reduced service on a line right after promising improvements.

The MTA in May announced the M line would get more weekend service starting in July. But a month after improving weekend commutes, the agency launched major cuts to weekday service on the line to make way for construction work..

The MTA on Aug. 28 shut down M train service between the 47-50 Streets-Rockefeller Center and Forest Hills-71 Avenue stations from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. every weekday. The service isn’t scheduled to return until early next year.

“Riders know all too well that the subway needs repairs that trigger service changes and at the same we need the MTA to level with us about what to expect every time we ride,” wrote Danny Pearlstein, the policy and communications director with Riders Alliance. “We're all eager for more frequent service but we also need to be able to plan our commutes and our lives around what's actually running.”

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On 9/5/2023 at 9:54 PM, Kamen Rider said:

… I give them one day… ONE DAY… and what do I get? 


So, I am currently on paid leave for Grand Jury Duty. Yesterday, I had to go in to work since the courts were closed and per contract, when you’re not going in to court, you have to come into work.

they gave me a job, I do it, they ask if I want to do one extra trip…

Pull into a station, I see a bunch of kids standing around at the far end of the platform…

We start to leave and two of them leap onto the side of my train.

they ran when I pulled the brake.


this grand jury gig is four weeks. I give them 1 day and this is what I come back to.

I'm telling you, those rotten kids. If they're caught they should be forced to pay restitution for damages they cause, trespassing charges, community service, the whole nine yards

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Hochul, Adams and MTA target video game over NYC subway surfing surge

With subway surfing deaths among youths out of control in New York City state leaders have found a culprit to blame — a video game.

Gov. Kathy Hochul, Mayor Eric Adams and MTA chairman Janno Lieber sent a letter Thursday to the makers of the popular app game “Subway Surfers,” demanding the mobile “endless runner” style game be radically changed or be taken off the Apple and Google app stores.

The leaders didn’t specify what the 11-year-old game had to do with the actual subway surfing epidemic that has lead to five deaths this year — since it is just about a character running on constantly scrolling train tracks and collecting coins “Sonic the Hedgehog”-style.

They only noted in the letter that there has been a recent rise in the popularity of the game — which has more than a billion downloads just on Google — and pointed to an anecdote in a New York Magazine story published in August about the real subway surfing trend that mentions the game.

“This dangerous behavior is on the rise, fueled both by social media posts and by the Subway Surfers video game,” the trio wrote in the letter, which was also sent to tech giants Apple, Google and Amazon, which allow users to download the game from their app stores.

“The game is highly appealing to children, showing subway surfing as a happy adventure without real-world consequences,” they added. “Yet despite the obvious risks, we have found no safety messaging or age restrictions whatsoever by Sybo Games (other than a highly legalistic notice that is buried in the game’s terms and conditions).”

When asked what the game, which doesn’t directly involve subway surfing, had to do with the issue, MTA Communications Director Tim Minton said: “We agree with the mayor and governor and are thrilled they are pushing back on social media and online games that glorify this dangerous and deadly behavior.”

The letter comes just days after Lieber and Adams announced they had reached agreements with TikTok; Google, which owns YouTube; and Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram; to more aggressively police their platforms for the subway surfing videos and provide free advertising for public service announcements warning teens against climbing on top of trains.

The advertising campaign is part of a larger push aimed at New York’s teenagers that was developed in part by public school students, which will include announcements on the subway system stations and on trains that run on the elevated lines.

Sybo did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Politicians have had a long history of blaming issues on video games. Former President Trump heaped some of the blame on violent video games after the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida in 2018 that killed 17.

In 1999, President Clinton blamed video games after the massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado that killed 15.

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44 minutes ago, Vulturious said:

Well, when politicians fail to uphold their promise for better education and infrastructure - both of which theoretically can reduce the amount of subway surfing incidents to near none - of course they'll blame it on a generational phenomenon the younger generations grew up with that the older ones hadn't. Not saying video games isn't a contributing factor in the rise of surfing incidents (it very well could be), but I just had to laugh at how the adults here put every blame on a kid and only the kid. Younger generations need access to better education, parents need to educate their kids on safety and common sense more, and politicians need to work with the MTA to properly use the budget on infrastructure and safety. Typical politicians - all talk and no action.

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2 hours ago, Vulturious said:

nope it's their shitty policies on why these kids do this in the first place.


18 hours ago, Vulturious said:

I knew this was going to happen, people in Brooklyn and queens were complaining non stop about the shitty headways. (MTA) look like fools because they knew the issues with the crew shortages before hand.

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5 minutes ago, R32 3838 said:

nope it's their shitty policies on why these kids do this in the first place.


I knew this was going to happen, people in Brooklyn and queens were complaining non stop about the shitty headways. (MTA) look like fools because they knew the issues with the crew shortages before hand.

They're essentially scapegoating a game that came out 11 years ago and is mostly relevent because of tiktok specifically with the kinds of videos just having nothing to do with subway surfing in the slightest. Literally all videos relating to the game Subway Surfers are either reddit posts reposted on tiktok with text-to-speech or are clips from games, tv shows, or movies. I have not seen a single video of Subway Surfers relating to people doing it irl. Really goes to show how out of touch people can really be and how much research was actually put into it. Like the saying goes, "correlation is not causation." 

What makes it even more stupid when it came to scapegoating Subway Surfers as the "cause" of this is the fact that NY and the MTA are only tackling this issue now. Yes, they started doing something about it a few months or maybe a year ago when the MTA went ahead and started tackling down on subway surfing videos, but it's the fact that they're really starting to get to the bottom of it now. Not a few months ago, not a year ago, not even 2 or 3 years ago when subway surfing was skyrocketing, now. Hochul had a reelection back in 2022, Adams was mayor in late 2021, both those times were prime time for subway surfing in general and they're only tackling this now. Anyway...


The MTA needs to keep its mouth shut ngl. The article even says that this wasn't the first time the MTA promised something and never kept it when it came to the (M). Not even when it came to just increase in subway service, but just in general. Pretty sure everyone knew the MTA was just spewing out bullshit and will continue to do so for the most part is all I'm gonna say.

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The Parade of Trains had the previous variety from before: the R1-9 Green cars, BMT Standards Brown cars and the Gate Cars in Dark Red. There's also the decorated R32 3360-3361 and R38 4028-4029 paired together. Although, they were in the sidelines and part of the photo op for today. 

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On 9/8/2023 at 2:31 PM, CyclonicTrainLookout said:

Younger generations need access to better education

What’s “better education?” It’s no secret that it sucks. What makes it suck?

On 9/8/2023 at 2:31 PM, CyclonicTrainLookout said:

parents need to educate their kids on safety and common sense more

Parents themselves need education… on educating. Based on how some kids behave in public, you’d think the parents expect their kids to get everything from school—including how to be a model citizen.

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