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I would like to take dedicate this post to the biggest Fresh Pond hater out there *cough LRG cough cough*...happy birthday loser. May you ride a FP bus and it dies :)


Wow I'm dumb, I read that as farebox. B)


How come some have 3 numbers and some have 4 numbers?


Cuz that's how the (MTA) rolls :)

...seriously, I wondered that as well but this ain't the bus section. This is a place where we can be complete a-holes and get away with it :P

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Wow I'm dumb, I read that as farebox. :)


How come some have 3 numbers and some have 4 numbers?


The MTA bought some Orion Vs (and other buses) which used 4 number run boxes a few years back. This works to the advantage of whoever is operating a double digit route - they can display "2408" instead of just "248" if some operator is doing a Q24 run, for example. Otherwise, they either take one of the digits out or go ghetto and literally put paper over whatever number isn't needed.

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I would like to take dedicate this post to the biggest Fresh Pond hater out there *cough LRG cough cough*...happy birthday loser. May you ride a FP bus and it dies :)


LOL!!!!!!! Wow, way to put me on the spot like that, but thanks for the bday wish though :cool:


If it helps, I think Fresh Pond is better than Castleton....

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I would like to dedicate this post to the biggest R40 Slant lover and Brown (Mx)/(V) supporter out there *cough LRG cough cough*... happy birthday, anti-(M) supporter. May you ride a revived (Mx)/(V) train route one day. :)


Sounds awfully familliar B)...


I would like to take dedicate this post to the biggest Fresh Pond hater out there *cough LRG cough cough*...happy birthday loser. May you ride a FP bus and it dies :)
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I would like to dedicate this post to the biggest R40 Slant lover and Brown (Mx)/(V) supporter out there *cough LRG cough cough*... happy birthday, anti-(M) supporter. May you ride a revived (Mx)/(V) train route on a R40 slant one day. :)


Now THAT is more like it!!!! :cool:

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Brock was the main character of the Pokemon anime. Some random person (don't know who) compared him with current US president Barack Obama. Don't know why.


Brock was the main character tight? B) Travelling around to be the world's greatest breeder with his sidekicks Ash, Misty, May, Max, and Dawn. And then he left to be a doctor. :)



Anyways, I got trolled. Big time.

I will put aside the fact that my nose sucks and it feels like something really is stuck in my throat.

On Thursday, the (2) train I take came 7 minutes later than normal. Fine. Delays happen. I even managed to eventually get a seat. And there were these two cute girls watching me do my math homework (I mean that literally - they were standing right over me, just glancing at my paper and one of them sat next to me later) - I might have enjoyed it more if my nose wasn't like a freakin' waterfall.


The C/R announced twice that the train would be skipping Sterling St and Winthrop St, once in the tunnel between Franklin Ave & President St, and again at President St itself. I figured, "sure, why not?" For all I knew, the train was going to stop at Beverly Rd. I know that even when they skip stations, T/Os are supposed to operate at a certain speed. My T/O took it to an extreme. He/she just drove really slow through the entire station. It seemed like the train really was going to stop at both stations.


Anyway, the train arrives at Church Ave. Everything is good in the world, my stop is next, and I pack my stuff away as the train pulls into Beverly Rd, deccelerates, comes to a complete sto- wait, why aren't we stopping? And again at Newkirk Ave? Like I said before, the T/O I had came to almost a complete stop even when skipping a station, so it seemed like we were stopping. Plus the C/R never said anything about skipping Beverly and Newkirk. All I could was facepalm and bang my head on the pole as those two girls who were getting off at Flatbush Ave anyway just watched.


In the tunnel between Newkirk and Flatbush, the C/R said that the train we were on would be the first to leave Flatbush Ave going to Manhattan, for everyone who needed to get off at Newkirk Ave or Beverly Rd. Of course, he didn't say why we skipped those stops or why we weren't told about it; I guess it was a last-minute decision or a communication failure. So at Flatbush, there are two trains. The (2) train I'm on, which is supposedely going to leave first, and a (5) train on the opposite platform. Guess which train leaves first? Guess. Come on. Guess. Just guess. All together, I only got home 20 minutes later than normal, so it wasn't so bad. Sorry I vented. Thursday was a bad day. I needed to. It felt good.


Friday was nothing special. The (A) train I rode went oddly slow on CPW. I didn't think there was a (A) train ahead of us, because there was a (C) train in front of the (A) train I rode. I didn't think there was a (D) train ahead of us either, because there was a (:) train already waiting for us at Columbus Circle. But yeah, we went slow. You know how slow we were going? That (:P train actually beat us to 145th St! We were neck-and-neck between 59th St and around 116th St, before we fell behind. *sigh*


4 school days left until Christmas Break.

P.S. - It doesn't count as a 'vacation' unless you're completely work-free during that time.

Edited by Mysterious2train
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Today was quite possibly my worst visit to the Palisades. I'm not even sure if I'm ever coming back:


It started off ok. I got on the 2:45 train at Grand Central. I got to the mall around 4:10. There was this TOR hybrid. Unlike the NG's, these buses look good. I took out my digital camera. I had the perfect shot lined up and this chickenhead messed it up. I entered the mall. I noticed that Krazy City, my favorite arcade, was closed. They had the coolest motion simulator. Next, I went to Footlocker. They had this cool Amare Stoudemire shirt for $25. They had every size except XL. I wasn't too thrilled. Basically, in a 10 minute span I was pwned three times.


I had a chicken sandwich for lunch and bought a few items from Target. I also noticed that the FYE was closing. I bought a DVD on sale. My parents love cheesecake so I stopped by the Cheesecake Factory and bought an overpriced slice of cheesecake. For &7.50, you get a smaller (and less tasty) slice than Junior's. I exited the mall and noticed the smell of raw sewage. The Tappan Zee bus was scheduled to arrive at 7:02. At 7:05, a TZx bus that said "Spring Valley" arrived. About a dozen people got on. At 7:10, the White Plains bus still didn't arrive. I was scared the Spring Valley bus was really the White Plains bus and that I missed it. I didn't want to pay a ridiculous amount of money for a cab. At 7:22, the bus finally arrived. Thanks to a traffic jam on the Tappan Zee, I missed the 7:51 train at Tarrytown (we arrived at 7:54). Fortunately, the next train was 8:12. Unfortunately, it was a local.

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Are we venting about our bad days? I wanna go lol...


Earlier today, I got a call from my ex (waking me up at that) saying that she wants to hang out with me today. Me personally, didn't wanna go at all, but some voice in the back of my mind said "just go what can possibly go wrong?" Biggest mistake ever. Turns out her new boyfriend was there with her. And to make matters worse, it wasa one of the people I can't stand. So I make up some bullcrap excuse about an hour later saying I had to go to work early.

While walking to the Pennsylvania Av (3) train station, there's like 10 cops standing on that one corner and in the back of my mind I'm thinking "welcome to Bronsville lol".

Fast forward to work. Tuens out that the co-worker I can't stand at all us there and my boss puts me to work with him. That was the most akward 7 hours ever. The only thing that made work slightly enjoyable was the fact that it was pay day :cool:.


Ok I think I'm done lol


I got a job this week. I don't know the details yet but it's just an office job for this person I worked for during the summer. Easy enough. It's about time I earn some money for myself...


Congrats across the board...now you'll suffer with the repitition of the work week like me :P

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Gone for a few days and I find out a show I kinda watch: stargate universe has been canned. Looks like the new direction of the show sucks and the audience agrees. It'll join Star trek in the "black void".


Man I'm feeling tired, must be the cold outside. Also likely gonna see that new Jay St connector on Wed.


Also looks like I've maxed out my storage capacity on my ipod touch. I hate having to erase stuff to fit new stuff.

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Daylights savings time sucks. The sun starts setting around 4 PM, meaning that I have a small window of time to photograph the peak hour express bus routes.


We're not in daylight savings time right now...it doesn't start until March.

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Screw the lunar eclipse. I want to see a Solar Eclipse.


I don't know when the next solar eclipse is

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Whooo! just a few days before the end of the earth occurs!


About the sunlight: agreed with FG. I hate how dark it gets so early. Instead of falling back, they should've had the clocks set 1 hr ahead so there's more light later in the day than in the morning. It's too bright when it's 8am! I want some sunlight when it's 5-6pm.


Well at least the days will only get longer after the 21-22nd.


Still hate having to change the clocks 2x a year though.

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