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Whooo! just a few days before the end of the earth occurs!


About the sunlight: agreed with FG. I hate how dark it gets so early. Instead of falling back, they should've had the clocks set 1 hr ahead so there's more light later in the day than in the morning. It's too bright when it's 8am! I want some sunlight when it's 5-6pm.


Well at least the days will only get longer after the 21-22nd.


Still hate having to change the clocks 2x a year though.


My iPod's clock changes by itself but for some reason my phone's clock doesn't update itself; you have to shut it off and power it back on.

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Sunset in New York City today is 4:32pm; Sunrise is 7:16am tomorrow;

Sunset in Phoenix today is 5:24pm; but sunrise is 7:28am tomorrow


We could all be in Fairbanks, Alaska where sunset today is 2:40pm and sunrise is 10:59am tomorrow (Fairbanks actually is a small city with 35,000) or in Reykjavik, Iceland where sunset is 3:29pm today and sunrise is 11:21am tomorrow.

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I think Santa has a temporary job at the (MTA):P.....


While waiting for the S89 (my first time on it now), I see 4119 (a Yukon bus) being driven by same guy in a Santa suit driving down Richmond Av, under the SIR. Instead of saying NOT IN SERVICE, it said SANTA EXPRESS with paper covering the destination signs (except the back). I am so serious lol


...if you don't believe me, ask N-Trizzy & mark1447, they was there

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I think I might switch phones and buy a blackberry


Fresh Pond: the man who can't stand CERTAIN PEOPLE.




I kid, I kid. I feel ya man, one of those days when everything just gets worse.


Fixd :P


I'm hungry... Can't get more random than that.


I'm bored, beat that lol

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Had an exhausting day on Wed visiting all the sites in Midtown. To sum it up: Time Warner building, Central Park, FAO/Apple store, Rockerfeller center, Times Sq/Toys R us, Grand Central, Macy's/Manhattan[, er JC penny] mall.


Also rode the (M) for the first time since the changes [don't go to Manhattan often] and rode thru the connector [pretty nice pace for a 'sharp curve']. Interesting part was that when the t/o opened his cab, I thought it was cuz i was taking pics in the train, but it was actually to help out some rider who was a little lost.


Took the (F) to the Jay St station and took some pics of the new connector to the (R) and it looks as great as the photos here are. Another funny note was one of the workers [orange vest] saw me taking pics and I think mentioned if I was gonna post them on subchat or something. So a little chuckle there rather than an uptight person yelling about don't take photography, etc.


So all in all a great day, but my feet were sore by the time I got home.

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