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Yes, I'm seriously gonna ask this...


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For the record, the steel used for the storm doors is bulletproof for small caliber weapons if I'm not mistaken. In fact, I remember riding on an R38 with a variety of bullet hits in the storm door, but no piercings.


I'm not sure it they were bullet marked dents, but I saw a few of them on the R62As when they were on the (6).

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Wirelessly posted via (BlackBerry8520/ Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)


No that car is still in CIYD. It was fired up over the summer and still runs.


So where's the other one at that was used in the movie?

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Are you talking about the redbird that was in the movie?


I didn't know the movie money train car was operational still, esp after seeing the movie and the operator controls looked fictional and nothing like a real life SMEE car. Nice to hear another R21 got saved and still runs! (In addition to the real money in the TM)

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Call MythBusters?


They actually did an episode on regular car windows. Found out, that it is movie hype when someone takes one shot at a car with a regular "hollow point bullet", and hits the target. It takes multiple shots, to break the glass, then hit the target. The initial bullet, usually gets deflected when hitting the glass.........


Armour piercing on the other hand, well it has its name for a reason..........

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FRA part whatever it is glazing states that the glazing must resist a cinder block and a .22 caliber bullet. Basically the bullet deforms the plastic.



Railroad (think LIRR/PATH/NJT/amtrak) windows are quarter inch poly-carbonate. PATH has an additional inner scratch resistant laminate. Subway windows, as far as i can tell, are the same thickness, and also have the laminate.




- A

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