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R211 Discussion Thread

East New York

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Hot off the press.... R211 award has been accelerated and expected sooner than later this year.... 2017 award with a 2026 entry into service for all cars including options.....

Is there a news article about this? Also, is there a date for the first car in service? Thanks.



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No news, no link... Everything is subject to change. In case you don't know me, 95% of my posts have not made it to Black and White and will not until long after I post. I don't get my info from news articles, I get them from MTA or Industry Brass.

I know, that's why I ask. But really, any talk about the first cars and when they will arrive?



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Hot off the press.... R211 award has been accelerated and expected sooner than later this year.... 2017 award with a 2026 entry into service for all cars including options.....

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I strictly remember a lot of your information was wrong about the R179's, along with you saying the M9's had been delivered on that thread. I would not post anything here without strict conformation or public release as you are technically stating unsourced and possibly inaccurate information. I understand you are a moderator but I would at least follow that simple guideline on any forum.

Edited by jamesman8
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I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I strictly remember a lot of your information was wrong about the R179's, along with you saying the M9's had been delivered on that thread. I would not post anything here without strict conformation or public release as you are technically stating unsourced and possibly inaccurate information. I understand you are a moderator but I would at least follow that simple guideline on any forum.

Bruh. Nah, I'll let the rest of the forum members eat you alive.



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I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I strictly remember a lot of your information was wrong about the R179's, along with you saying the M9's had been delivered on that thread. I would not post anything here without strict conformation or public release as you are technically stating unsourced and possibly inaccurate information. I understand you are a moderator but I would at least follow that simple guideline on any forum.

I would check more than the R179s posts he made before you say stuff like that to him. (Plus information is always subject to change so it's not his fault if the R179s don't start on time.)
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Hot off the press.... R211 award has been accelerated and expected sooner than later this year.... 2017 award with a 2026 entry into service for all cars including options.....


No news, no link... Everything is subject to change. In case you don't know me, 95% of my posts have not made it to Black and White and will not until long after I post. I don't get my info from news articles, I get them from MTA or Industry Brass.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I strictly remember a lot of your information was wrong about the R179's, along with you saying the M9's had been delivered on that thread. I would not post anything here without strict conformation or public release as you are technically stating unsourced and possibly inaccurate information. I understand you are a moderator but I would at least follow that simple guideline on any forum.


@Jamesman8;  <_< I'm going to disregard your post cause ENY's slogan at this point on most of his post is "Everything is subject to change" which if you live in the real world is applicable everywhere you go. However, I find it funny you quoted his first post (to which you ranted about) but made no mention about his follow up post to which he stated his above disclaimer about 95% of his post. Dam some people can't handle the truth so they just see what they want to see... -_-

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@Jamesman8;  <_< I'm going to disregard your post cause ENY's slogan at this point on most of his post is "Everything is subject to change" which if you live in the real world is applicable everywhere you go. However, I find it funny you quoted his first post (to which you ranted about) but made no mention about his follow up post to which he stated his above disclaimer about 95% of his post. Dam some people can't handle the truth so they just see what they want to see... -_-

Okay, but what exactly is the point of posting things if they're subject to change.If they're subject to change, that makes them FALSE!

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No, that makes them "This is what the MTA plans to do as of now"


This.  Case in point: the MTA originally planned for the R160s to go on the (A).  I'm not going to enumerate all the times the MTA has changed their mind on things, but whether justified or not, the MTA's plans are subject to change at any time for a variety of reasons.  In fact, sometimes those reasons are beyond their control.  Emperor Cuomo stepping in to the picture actually caused delays with many awards--not just for the R211s, but with the buses as well.

Edited by Bosco
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Okay, but what exactly is the point of posting things if they're subject to change.If they're subject to change, that makes them FALSE!

No. That makes them true untill the MTA changes their mind. They could keep the plan, or change it. Doesn't mean the posts are initially false. Its the latest info given.


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But there is 0 evidence given that proves these claims are true. They could be 100% false for all we know. Just because the MTA changes their mind or someone here says they did doesnt mean what they said in the first place was true.

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But there is 0 evidence given that proves these claims are true. They could be 100% false for all we know. Just because the MTA changes their mind or someone here says they did doesnt mean what they said in the first place was true.

The fact of the matter is here we have someone who works I side the MTA passing us Info as it happens. And most of the time the info is legit. Yeah sometimes the info goes another direction. Name one source with 100% accuracy. I'll wait. Till then I suggest chilling out. Why? Well it can only take one person being a troll to give us 0 inside sources. Now you're not a troll, but things are subject to change, right?


So let me ask this, what so important that you had to go this route? Like for years we've been good. We get info, most of it sticks. What makes you so special to change everything?


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Okay, but what exactly is the point of posting things if they're subject to change.If they're subject to change, that makes them FALSE!

Quantum mechanics. Everything is true and false until you observe the result.

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I strictly remember a lot of your information was wrong about the R179's, along with you saying the M9's had been delivered on that thread. I would not post anything here without strict conformation or public release as you are technically stating unsourced and possibly inaccurate information. I understand you are a moderator but I would at least follow that simple guideline on any forum.

Obviously you have no idea who I am and that's ok. Many people still don't. I however own my own consulting firm and have worked with every major TA and supplier in North America. I am the Manager of this here forum, and we pride ourselves on accurate information. For the last 9 and a half years, over more than 8,000 posts, my information has been 99% correct, and 100% correct at the time of posting. (Save any typos or honest mistakes) If a train or bus manufacturer can't hold to a schedule that has nothing to do with me. If MTA decides to change something, or as of late, if the Governor starts making executive divisions, things will change. This is common sense that anyone should know and be well aware of.


I have posted information on contract awards before the winner was even notified. I have access to information that 90% of the rest of the MTA workforce does not. I have consulted numerous times with the office of the President, and the engineering executives of MTA. I was given the name ENY, by staff because they would say I knew more than them and they were the ones in charge. I have immunity from posting my sources and every few years someone like you comes along to challenge that. Well it's not gonna happen, I'm not going to change how I post, and if you don't like the I formation or feel it is accurate then I'm not exactly sure what to tell you.


My information comes from Brass and is almost never second hand. Some of my best friends and associates work all across the industry. I have presented at APTA.


You ARE NOT allowed to post here without sources, so you have a valid point. However there are a few that have immunity from supplying sources here. Check my record. And the M9 was delivered. It was update being evaluated. It was not on here on MTA property as I thought. So the details were correct and the location was not.


This forum was built off my inside information and that of key TTMG members, MTA, Daimler, Luminator, Detroit Diesel, Nova, New Flyer, Clever Devices, and MTS/TMC employees. Together we made this site what it is today, and the MTA uses the TTMG roster (The official Roster of NYCTF) to familiarize new hires on the depots and equipment..... So those are my sources..... You just won't ever know who gave me what info... I also have access to MTA facilities so many of my posts are first hand confirmed by myself and my own eyes.


Allow me to introduce myself. I am East New York, Surface Transit Headquarters in the flesh. Anymore questions? By the way, because MTA is transparent, all of my information is eventually confirmed in black and white for public record. May be 2 days after my post, or may be 2 years later in some cases.

Edited by East New York
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I don't know if they would be creating more exterior concepts for the R211 at this point, but are they still going through with those unusual headlights that can switch from white to red, instead of separate ones?


I would imagine they would; lighting technology is dirt cheap these days and the design used in the rendering would cut down on parts.

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