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Conductor 6601 Hiring Process

Message added by SevenEleven


Conductor, Exam No. 6601

List Status: This list has been established as of 2/14/2018.

Pay: Starts at $24.33 and increases to $34.75 in the sixth year of service

Training: Monday thru Friday, across three 8-hour tours (AMs, PMs, overnights), unless otherwise specified.

Highest List Number Called: For initial Pre-Employment: (4800's) - For Medical: (Last Known - 3470's)

Next Training Class: Unknown


(Updated January 16, 2022)

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@ Ren, these are all general guidelines and estimates. My point is that the list can move surprisingly fast when they want to keep it moving, and have the funds to hire steadily (like they did the past few years with bus operators).


@VJ, I think they're just "taking things under advisement." They're not committing to doing anything, but I think they're open to striking a few of the questions that seemed legitimately confusing or badly worded by many test takers.

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or are disqualified for things like criminal history before they can be placed in school car.


Do you know what you're talking about ? Do you know that Transit hires people with criminal history as long as you don't lie, or have any open cases ? How do I know this ? Because I am a Transit employee with a criminal history. There are Train Operators, Conductors, Trackworkers, Cleaners etc that work for Transit, and have criminal histories.


The only way a criminal record will DQ you is if you are constantly catching cases, as in once a month, once a year, or every other year. Hence having a pattern of never learning your lesson.

Edited by SteveNYC
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Do you know what you're talking about ? Do you know that Transit hires people with criminal history as long as you don't lie, or have any open cases ? How do I know this ? Because I am a Transit employee with a criminal history. There are Train Operators, Conductors, Trackworkers, Cleaners etc that work for Transit, and have criminal histories.


The only way a criminal record will DQ you is if you are constantly catching cases, as in once a month, once a year, or every other year. Hence having a pattern of never learning your lesson.

This is news to me. I thought there was a new city policy where they couldn't ask you about convictions or arrests. As for patterns, is this an officially promulgated policy? Do you have a source for this information?

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What are the qualifications for Train Operator?


Going by the last NOE 5 years of work experience or 120 college credits and 1 year of work experience.


Things can change though, they could tweak the requirements like they did with the last Conductor exam. Check the NOE when the filing period arrives.

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I went to the protest session yesterday, mainly to see what question #73 was. I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to protest, and I was right - the question gave me a timetable and a scenario where a customer asks me when the next train will arrive, and I made the mistake of not looking at all the times listed for that particular station.


I'm happy with just one wrong though, and while this error might set me back for a long time I can use that time on  college/trade school if I decide to go back.


Congrats to all who passed, and for those who won't get hired don't beat yourself too hard - there will be other opportunities in the future.

Edited by Gong Gahou
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I went to the protest session yesterday, mainly to see what question #73 was. I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to protest, and I was right - the question gave me a timetable and a scenario where a customer asks me when the next train will arrive, and I made the mistake of not looking at all the times listed for that particular station.


I'm happy with just one wrong though, and while this error might set me back for a long time I can use that time on  college/trade school if I decide to go back.


Congrats to all who passed, and for those who won't get hired don't beat yourself too hard - there will be other opportunities in the future.


Deja vu lol. That was the same/only question I got wrong on the exam. The timetable made it seem like the arrivals were a minute apart, I was confused with that question.


Oh well, like you said I'm happy with my score. I doubt it'll set us back for a "long" time probably mere months if anything, but I too am going to finish up my degree until they call us.


Congrats to you too, what day did you take your exam?

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I went to the protest session yesterday, mainly to see what question #73 was. I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to protest, and I was right - the question gave me a timetable and a scenario where a customer asks me when the next train will arrive, and I made the mistake of not looking at all the times listed for that particular station.


I'm happy with just one wrong though, and while this error might set me back for a long time I can use that time on  college/trade school if I decide to go back.


Congrats to all who passed, and for those who won't get hired don't beat yourself too hard - there will be other opportunities in the future.

With only one wrong you'll be called right away. I spoke with a TO on the Rockaway Shuttle tonight and it took him 5 years to get called. If they keep hiring and keep that list open then 6 wrong might get me in, though it may be a few years from now. I just wish someone could post solid stats on how often thay call from the list and how long the wait is, etc.

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So, someone previously mentioned the protests are now over? Does this mean they'll be releasing a "Final" answer key in the very near future?

I was told by the lady in about a year or less and you will get a letter.

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Going by the last NOE 5 years of work experience or 120 college credits and 1 year of work experience.


Things can change though, they could tweak the requirements like they did with the last Conductor exam. Check the NOE when the filing period arrives.


Any particular kind of work experience?


And is there a new thread on the message boards for the TO 7604 exam?  I haven't been able to find one.

Edited by candorgreen
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This is news to me. I thought there was a new city policy where they couldn't ask you about convictions or arrests. As for patterns, is this an officially promulgated policy? Do you have a source for this information?


The law you are talking about is the fair chance act. It only prevents Transit from asking you about your conviction history during the first phase pre-employment, but it doesn't mean you can hide your past. Before the law went into effect, you would have to hand in your dispositions to the HR person handling your paperwork. They would then send it upstairs for approval, if you were approved, they would send you for the drug test. If you were placed on review you would not be sent to take the drug test. How it works now is once you get past medical you have to hand your dispositions in. As far as arrests, the only time you have to report those is if you are applying for a law enforcement position.


Source ? Policy ? I know people first hand who applied, and were DQ'd for either a lengthy constant criminal history, and or their felony convictions were recent. Usually in NYS it's 7+ years from the date of a Felony conviction in where they can't use it against you. My conviction is over 15 years old. The 7+ year law is suppose to be followed, but it's used at the employers discretion, and if they want to discriminate against your past, they can, and will get away with it. Transit is very nice in the regard. Now you can have no Felonies, and 24 misdemeanor convictions, lets say 2 convictions per year for the last 12 years, even though misdemeanors is petty shit, I can wholeheartedly guarantee you that you will be seen the door handing in 24 dispositions to HR. 


Also to add, the only time you have the leeway to not disclose a conviction is if it was sealed under 160.50 or 160.55 in regards to NYS Criminal Procedure Law. That goes for misdemeanors or felonies. Also violations don't appear in criminal history searches, unless you were convicted of a violation on the same date or event in where you were convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor.


Here's a link in regards to what I mentioned in paragraph 3




Some law information in regards to people who did prison time, and need certain certificates to help them in the hiring process.






Again if you have a Felony conviction, 7+ years from the time of conviction is a better safe zone in regards to getting hired.

Edited by SteveNYC
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If you need further information google is your friend, I have to get some sleep, I'm working a double tonight from 10pm - 2pm.




New York: New York State Consolidated Laws Article 25 Section 380-j – Prohibited Information:
Prohibited information. (A) No consumer reporting agency shall report or maintain in the file on a consumer, information: (1) relative to an arrest or a criminal charge unless there has been a criminal conviction for such offense, or unless such charges are still pending. (F)(1) Except as authorized under paragraph two of this subdivision, no consumer reporting agency may make any consumer report containing any of the following items of information. (V) records of conviction of crime which, from date of disposition, release, or parole, antedate the report by more than seven years.


What that means is technically they can't look into your background past the 7 year mark, but they do. Try and hide a past beyond 7 years, and you will still screw yourself, especially with Transit. The 7 year law more or less protects you from being discriminated against a conviction you were upfront about. I'm sure there are also circumstances, if you were convicted of a incredibly violent offense such as murder, or rape, you will get DQ'd regardless of the time of conviction.


Also Transit uses the OCA and Federal background checks, they don't search your history on spokeo, intellius, or peekyou. Which is why I said it's best to be upfront because they will find out anyway. But if you want to take your chances and lie, don't say you weren't warned.

Edited by SteveNYC
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the answers are out for the conductor exam#6601



Are you asking or telling us?


The answers have been out for close to 2 weeks already.

@MASTAP123 kinda late my man

@NOEKOZZ hahaha i think he was telling us =P

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Does anyone here have an idea of how the workday will be as a conductor? What's the work/life balance? Do any conductors or other transit employees have time to go to school on the side? What are the shifts like? I've been told before that the first year is the hardest and you get moved around a lot but I haven't really seen anyone on here describing the job and the life of a conductor. We've been mostly concerned with our scores but can a knowledgeable person (in transit matters) speak on this? Thanks!

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I just spoke to a T/O at Rockaway Park today. He basically confirmed what another poster had posted earlier: there is HUGE turnover at the conductor position. They call up 2,000 or so a year but then only 450 want the job, and the rest are no longer interested or DQ'd for various reasons. The reason for the turnover, he told me, is that everybody wants to promote up from C/R. Turnovers for T/O are much fewer. It used to be that the Bus Operator and Conductor exam were combined. When you applied, you were applying for both. Today it is separate. If you're disciplined at a higher post, they bust you down to C/R. If you're already a C/R and you're disciplined, there's no lower post to go down to; they just dump you.


Anyway, I look to be in pretty good shape if the turnover is that swift. Even if my list number is in the 2,000-3,000 range, I can expect to get called up in about two years, and the list is good for four. Looks like 6 wrong ain't so bad after all :)

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