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Back flip preformers punch passenger in the face after argument erupts

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The only kind of performers I like are the musicians and the barbershop groups/quartets. If I'm giving $ to someone on the subway, I don't want: 

  • obnoxious yelling
  • obnoxious dancing
  • obnoxious music
  • some other dancer coming in and making a sob story to get even more $ from the others (happened to me on the (Q) once, this guy in the other car didn't get as much as he wanted, so he came into my car which had another dancer where he started to talk to him (quite loudly too) about how everyone ignored him but if they were disgusting celebrities they would "throw themselves in front of them") 
  • someone creating a fake story about how they are homeless and need $ when they in reality junkies or well-off people
  • people trying to guilt you though panhandling (https://patch.com/new-york/bushwick/man-threatens-kill-himself-j-train-if-riders-dont-pay-him)

The musicians and singers (good ones, not yelling crap) I actually like because to me they have real talent and deserve it, and they also aren't driving anyone nuts.

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What they should do is also punish the idiots that keep giving money for this nonsense. Let these people go out and WORK!! Everybody is out here "hustling" with their BS game. It's sickening. The subway is for getting from point A to point B. Nothing more, nothing less. Now you just have punks doing some flips that think they're entitled to money and this is exactly why more and more people are getting into confrontations. There needs to be crackdown all around.

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20 minutes ago, CDTA said:

Remember last time someone got stabbed over this and they said they were going to do something about it? :rolleyes:

 They probably don't have the resources to combat the Showtime dancers.... not enough cops to have multiple cops on each train that's the only way to stop them. Even then, they could simply go in a car cops aren't in.


Also I don't think it's big enough deal to truly crack down on them, most subway riders have a favorable opinion of them and them actually fighting passengers is probably rare. NYPD already gets a lot of bad PR and them trying to crack down on those dancers would probably give them even more bad PR. I seen people of all walks of life react favorably to those dancers, me personally, I'm just indifferent to them.


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2 hours ago, R68OnBroadway said:

The only kind of performers I like are the musicians and the barbershop groups/quartets. If I'm giving $ to someone on the subway, I don't want: 

  • obnoxious yelling
  • obnoxious dancing
  • obnoxious music
  • some other dancer coming in and making a sob story to get even more $ from the others (happened to me on the (Q) once, this guy in the other car didn't get as much as he wanted, so he came into my car which had another dancer where he started to talk to him (quite loudly too) about how everyone ignored him but if they were disgusting celebrities they would "throw themselves in front of them") 
  • someone creating a fake story about how they are homeless and need $ when they in reality junkies or well-off people
  • people trying to guilt you though panhandling (https://patch.com/new-york/bushwick/man-threatens-kill-himself-j-train-if-riders-dont-pay-him)

The musicians and singers (good ones, not yelling crap) I actually like because to me they have real talent and deserve it, and they also aren't driving anyone nuts.

I used to love when I lived uptown and Mellow Madness would get on the (A) or (D) at night and play from 59th to 125th.

There was another duo - guitarist and singer that would do covers on the (4) from Bk Bridge to USQ.

That, I don't mind. But all these folks pole dancing...Strippers do it better and I don't tip them either.

It'd be one thing if they were doing like way back when - doing actual dance routines hoping that a director or choreographer was paying attention and would put them in a video or bring them on to help create a routine, but that's not happening anymore...

That said, I like the spontaneity of arts in the subway, but I don't have an issue with buskers needing permits.

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23 minutes ago, trainfan22 said:

not enough cops to have multiple cops on each train that's the only way to stop them.

There's 33k NYPD officers - there's enough to do it. They just can't be bothered.


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30 minutes ago, trainfan22 said:

 They probably don't have the resources to combat the Showtime dancers.... not enough cops to have multiple cops on each train that's the only way to stop them. Even then, they could simply go in a car cops aren't in.


Also I don't think it's big enough deal to truly crack down on them, most subway riders have a favorable opinion of them and them actually fighting passengers is probably rare. NYPD already gets a lot of bad PR and them trying to crack down on those dancers would probably give them even more bad PR. I seen people of all walks of life react favorably to those dancers, me personally, I'm just indifferent to them.


I'm not sure I can agree with that. A lot of people I know who take the subway are fed up with Showtime dancers. I've seen other people's expressions too when they come out. It's just that nobody says anything, because most of these people are straight up savages, get offended quicker than a MF'er and who knows how they'll react. Some don't mind them, but it's usually tourists who have a favorable view of them. 

Some of them are not much of a problem and are not much of a nuisance. The Showtime people though, gotta go somewhere else.

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Long been sick of these male strippin, ex-con ass MF-ers..... One of them kicks a passenger on a train while engaging in activity they aint s'posed to be doing in the first place, passenger gets heated about it (and rightfully so), passenger gets punched in the face..... Ridiculous.

Can't wait for the day til these dudes get a hold of the right one to put a couple holes up in em; and I'm not necessarily talking about a cop either......

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12 hours ago, bwwnyc123 said:

Sometimes they even get mad if you don't watch them or refuse to give them money.

There is an agressive panhandling charge

To the people who defend them till they are blue in the face saying they just trying to make something of themselves, does robbing your space and harassing u if you don't give them money feel?

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On 5/28/2018 at 6:27 PM, Via Garibaldi 8 said:

What they should do is also punish the idiots that keep giving money for this nonsense. Let these people go out and WORK!! Everybody is out here "hustling" with their BS game. It's sickening. The subway is for getting from point A to point B. Nothing more, nothing less. Now you just have punks doing some flips that think they're entitled to money and this is exactly why more and more people are getting into confrontations. There needs to be crackdown all around.

I agree...Nowadays i cant even ride the subway on any line for more than 2 stops without dancers or bums getting on asking for money or doing dances and stunts thats dangerous for passengers..i also notice that at restaurants and certain stores too lately always someone their to open the door and expect money on your departure..And im actually sick of all of it ....

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11 minutes ago, biGC323232 said:

i also notice that at restaurants and certain stores too lately always someone their to open the door and expect money on your departure..

You call McDonald’s a “restaurant?”

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Just now, CenSin said:

You call McDonald’s a “restaurant?”

No not just Mcdonalds or wendys or whatever else fastfood you want to throw in....Im talking about certain restaurants around the city....Try the BBQs on 23rd or Ruby tuesdays in times sq...Then get back to me

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On 5/28/2018 at 1:52 PM, BreeddekalbL said:


Am I the only one who thinks buskers should be forced to get permits like the TTC and audition for a chance to perform? Would probably stop the showtime clowns

This is already a thing, it's just that NYPD has not been doing their jobs in getting rid of the ones without permits.

The ones in places like the Times Square passageway or the Herald Square transfer area have permits.

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1 hour ago, CenSin said:

You call McDonald’s a “restaurant?”

By definition it kind of is lol


On 5/28/2018 at 5:13 PM, bwwnyc123 said:

They need to really stop dancing and flipping inside of train cars it should be banned and enforced.

I'm ok with the dancers unless they hurt someone on purpose, they did work a lot to pull this off so you do have to give them credit. People begging for money (if it's legit) are fine with me, they could have gone through something horrific, but if they start going "GYVE MI MONEE OR U DYE" then that's wrong. There was a beggar on my train once and barely anyone paid him, he started talking about shooting everyone.

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Showtime dancers, panhandlers, etc. 

Despite how much work they put into their stunts and songs and whatnot, I don't pay them whatsoever. Sure, I'll credit them if they have good talent. I remember this one dude who was playing jazz music beautifully. (I can't remember if that was on the train or if that was at 14 Street - Union Square.) But either way, that is great talent you have there. Now you have these people who only do it for the money. And of course, panhandlers. But At the end of the day, No one gives a shit. Now off topic question because I'm on the (G) which is spared from most of these showtime dancers, what's with all the (F) 's via Crosstown?

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14 minutes ago, LGA Link N train said:

Showtime dancers, panhandlers, etc. 

Despite how much work they put into their stunts and songs and whatnot, I don't pay them whatsoever. Sure, I'll credit them if they have good talent. I remember this one dude who was playing jazz music beautifully. (I can't remember if that was on the train or if that was at 14 Street - Union Square.) But either way, that is great talent you have there. Now you have these people who only do it for the money. And of course, panhandlers. But At the end of the day, No one gives a shit. Now off topic question because I'm on the (G) which is spared from most of these showtime dancers, what's with all the (F) 's via Crosstown?

I've been on late night trains where they do their "practicing"; they gravitate towards the IRT lines for this purpose....

But yeah, I wouldn't give them someone else's ass to kiss, let alone mine, either..... You have as many panhandlers panhandling because you have as many people enabling them by giving them money in the first place... It's like those f***ing people that throw bread crumbs in the street/sidewalk to feed pigeons (who I have a special seething hatred for) - not only are you littering, but you're enabling the pigeons to shit all over the damn place.....

As for the (actual) quality of music being played, I couldn't tell you.... Some of these dudes may actually be talented, but putting up with the crap for as long I have, I have it to where I dismiss it all as background noise (can't really explain it).... I've grown that numb to it... Basically, I don't give it enough of a listen to discern the musical composition of it all.....

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16 minutes ago, Porter said:

I pretend that the Village 7-Eleven just shells out extra to pay for doormen, and I quite enjoy not having to touch the handles. Not a nickle is leaving my pocket over it.

In general, 6th Avenue between West 3rd Street and West 9th Street is a haven for the homeless.

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The bottom line is, if people would stop giving these low-life's money, applause, or attention, they would soon enough disappear.   That's how I handle their annoyance.  I either pretend to be sleeping, or read something, and don't even look their way...

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